Thursday, December 9, 2010

Heavy rain expected for the weekend!

A good band of showers pushed thru about 5 this morning, it woke me up, more showers are expected today, tonight, and tomorrow, associated with more disturbances rotating under the large low pressure system still to our northwest. One of these disturbances will bring rain tonight that will last into the morning, then; the shower activity diminishes Friday afternoon ahead of a developing complex weather system which will bring abundant rainfall to the area on Saturday. This starts with a warm front bringing rain and gusty winds to the coast with rainfall amounts of 2-5 inches possible. The models all agree that this system will bring plenty of rain Saturday evening and night but vary on exactly where the heaviest amounts will fall. As the National Weather Service puts it, this is a critical detail that will directly affect the amount of rainfall and flooding potential. Currently the Wilson and Nehalem Rivers are forecasted to crest Saturday night around 10pm above Action Stage but below Flood Stage. Some good news though, this time frame coincides with a low tide period at around 11pm. This needs to be watched closely for changes and I will update the forecasts this afternoon and tomorrow as needed. Sunday we may see a break in the activity but Monday the Cold Frontal portion of the system will again bring more wind and rain. Beyond this, light rain showers are expected into midweek. Highs for this period in the low to mid 50s with lows in the low to mid 40s.

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